

Conservatives all across the country are counting down to April 15th, when the next batch of Tea Parties begin. (There's TWO happening in Kansas City alone?! Maybe they can take turns tea baggin' each other?)

I can't say I completely understand their frustration, (are they all making over $250,000? No? Then aren't they actually going to be taxed less?!) but at least it gives us some nice videos to watch as these loons spew their insane thoughts to anyone with a camera.

All of these people don't think our President was even born in America...yes, still...

This next one shows you how quickly things can get out of control when you start talking "revolution!" They start out laughing and having a fun time...then around 2:45 they start getting craaaaaaaazy and shouting at this poor sap...

Huffington Post has more.

And keep an eye out for my comic about this silly shit in next week's Pitch.


Jamie S. Rich said...

It's funny, because if Dems were protesting something, these same people would label them unpatriotic Commie hippies.

Google "Barack Obama's birth certificate," and the first hit is an LA Times article with a physical scan of the certificate. The second is a Snopes dissection of the rumors: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

Travis said...

Right, and the Dems would probably be protesting something stupid like the fact we went to war with a country that never attacked us or how we torture terrorists or that our phones are being tapped...

...you know, crazy shit like that...

But these tea parties, they make a lot of sense. Who knew we were >this< close to Socialism and that a 3% tax hike on the highest 1% of Americans would be all it took to push us over the edge?!

But as the Glenn Beck clip above shows, it doesn't have to make any sense as long as it's good for ratings.

Kevin said...

All this stuff is scarier than Resident Evil 5.

Hold me.