

I'm going to go ahead and warn everyone (all three of you reading this) that I'm not going to hold back on this blog post. This is bound to be the craziest, most obscene, and angriest blog I've ever written, and most of it isn't even directed at "Anonymous."

OK, it is. And every stupid mother fucker like him. They are the reason this country gets stuck with Presidents like George W. Bush for eight god damn years. Two terms. They're the ones who saw the first four years and went, "Yeah I'd like more of that please!" The kind that "Thanked God" Al Gore wasn't President on 9/11, cause he would have given the terrorists a Powerpoint presentation and then hugged some trees.

The kind of asshole who has supported the most divisive, wedge-driven administration in our Nation's history...and is now telling me to "be nice" and to not "be sarcastic" with Sarah Palin. Don't make fun of John McCain because he's old! These fucking Republican asshats could have given a rat's ass about the elderly, or working Mothers, or pregnant teenagers, UNTIL THEY WERE ON THEIR SIDE. Then it's totally different.

It's like hating homosexuals...except the one you work with, cause he's kinda nice. And not threatening. HE'S okay, but the rest of them are going to totally burn in Hell. Especially if they attempt to get married!!!

I have a hunch I know who "anonymous" is and it's not just the fact that he came over here and started talking shit, (Check out the comments to the "EXACTLY" post down below with the Simpsons as McCain and Palin to see what the fuck I'm talking about.) It was the way he's trying to give me advice. Telling me that I'm making things worse for the Democratic party and how it's because of people like me that "Independents are going over to McCain in droves!" Letting me know that I'M part of the problem.

Oh, and it was because he was too chickenshit to own up to his words. Which is fine. If I was spreading this much bullshit all over the internet, I wouldn't want to leave my name either.

So here it is. Laid out for the world to see. Much like how Walter responds in The Big Lebowski, "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!!!" (...or just attempt to argue with me about politics. I go all out, fo' reals.)

Here's his last comment, (before I changed the settings so that "anonymous" is no longer an option to post under) that I'm going to tear apart piece by piece:

Even if someone from the McCain campaign said Obama was a Muslim(I'm not aware of anyone who has.), what difference does it make? Since when is calling someone a Muslim a slur? Obama himself has said he's a Christian and I'll take his word on it.

Why do you think Obama is so qualified to be President? Obama himself said in 2004 he didn't think a run for the Presidency in 2008 was a good idea:


As to the name calling and sarcasm, it's up to you. Look at the polls and the size of the McCain/Palin rallies to see what the continued personal attacks are doing to help the other side.

The Obama "attacks" seem to have been questioning his associations and trying to find out what the public record has shown who he is. The associations came to the front when everyone looked and saw there isn't much of a public record out there on him. Repeated efforts to access documents on his time in the state house were turned back because reporters were told no such records exist.

However, I've heard no one speculate whether his daughters are in fact his or not. I've heard no one question his ability to be President while having young children. I've heard few, if any, hard questions directed at Joe Biden and his record in the Senate.

All I have to say is if you look at Obama's record and his purported claims that he will bring a new climate of bipartisanship to Washington and compare it to the record, and you do the same with McCain, there isn't much of a comparison.

As to Palin's response to the Bush Doctrine, look at what the person who coined the phrase has to say about that:


It's fine to support your candidate. We'll likely have a difference of opinion on who we're voting for this year. But if you don't recognize that the Obama/Biden campaign is selling out the central reason they were running to begin with, you're going to be disappointed on November 5.

P.S. If you want me to sign my name, change your blogger setup so anonymous isn't an option. Based on the infrequency of the comments your blog is receiving, I'd recommend not doing that since it's likely to keep the number of comments even lower than they currently are.


Wow, that last line really hurt. Well, I suppose we'll just start from the top, eh?

Even if someone from the McCain campaign said Obama was a Muslim(I'm not aware of anyone who has.), what difference does it make? Since when is calling someone a Muslim a slur? Obama himself has said he's a Christian and I'll take his word on it.

Holy fucking shit. Are you kidding me? Since when is calling someone a Muslim a slur?! In a political arena?! It's fucking suicide!!! Wake up and smell reality. There's nothing wrong with being Muslim, (aside from racist mother fuckers thinking that "your kind" blew up the towers on 9/11 and thinking that Iran and Iraq all get along since they wear the same towels on their heads) the same way there's nothing wrong with being an Atheist. But try and get elected in this country with that being public knowledge. Fucking try. (oh, right, we have ONE person in Congress who is openly Muslim. Out of 500 or so slots. What amazing odds!!!)

You're either naive or stupid to think that calling Obama a "Muslim" wasn't some attempt to get people scared of him. It was basically the 21st Century way of saying, "Don't vote for that N*gger." My Nana lives in the Southern town of Joplin, Missouri and STILL tells me that the reason her neighbors aren't going to vote for Obama is because he's Muslim, and her response is, "So what if he is?!" to which I have to remind her, "But Nana, he's a Christian!" If you say something enough, people start to believe it.

Why do you think Obama is so qualified to be President? Obama himself said in 2004 he didn't think a run for the Presidency in 2008 was a good idea:


Oh, so now we get to start holding people to what they said four years ago? As long as the clip is available on youtube?! Good.

John McCain was for a "Respectful Campaign" before he was against it

John McCain was for "Privitizing Social Security" before he was against it

And Keith Olbermann nails him on so many different positions, I can't even list them all here

I think Obama was being honest in 2004 when he didn't want to instantly run for President and then saw the candidates the Democrats were offering and began to change his mind. And to be honest, I'm not against people changing their minds. This "flip-flop" bullshit is what you REPUBLICANS started throwing around. I think there's a difference in why Obama has changed his mind and why McCain changed his...and it's about pandering, not rethinking the situation. McCain USED to be a Maverick. Now he's "Bush The Third, with some change on the side!"

The Obama "attacks" seem to have been questioning his associations and trying to find out what the public record has shown who he is. The associations came to the front when everyone looked and saw there isn't much of a public record out there on him. Repeated efforts to access documents on his time in the state house were turned back because reporters were told no such records exist.

However, I've heard no one speculate whether his daughters are in fact his or not. I've heard no one question his ability to be President while having young children. I've heard few, if any, hard questions directed at Joe Biden and his record in the Senate.

This is my absolute favorite Republican talking point. This, "Let's play 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Obama and see who we can tie him to!!!" It makes the "He called Sarah Palin a pig...with lipstick!!!" controversy look valid. William Ayers! He totally tried to blow up the Capitol! When Obama was 8 years old! Then, 30 years later, Obama served on a council with him! Surely he has a time-traveling machine and is able to Quantum Leap that shit back to finish the score?!

Seriously? That's all you got?

Oh, what about Rev. Wright?! That crazy preacher who said crazy things!!! Unlike every other preacher, ever?! Listen, you want to start associating candidates to their church, let's take a look at Palin's...

And since you bring up Obama's daughters, let's pause for a second and imagine that they were older, and one of them got knocked up. You telling me that America and the Republicans wouldn't be using that and DESTROYING them throughout the entire campaign?! BULLSHIT!

Imagine this is a young black male, who knocked up the candidate's daughter...the election wouldn't even be close.

Look, it's getting late and I need to get up and go to work in the morning, but I just want to make one thing clear. Both sides are talking about CHANGE. Obama's been talking about it for 19 straight months, McCain latched on a few weeks ago. Your side is going to lose. You can't win by co-opting the message. Believe me, I know. I rooted for Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004. Both of them tried to appeal to the "middle" and co-opted the Republicans message. They fucking lost. (or had the election decided by the Supreme Court)

It might be close now, but in due time, once people get off the "Sarah Palin is MORE EXPERIENCED than Obama" high and start really thinking about it...realizing that just because the fuckers on TV repeat that line over and over and over again, doesn't make it true. They're going to wake up. They're going to see McCain is the one being negative. McCain and his dipshit of a VP pick are going to be the ones turning off the Independents. They've lied about their campaign rallies and the number of people attending, they've lied about her NOT accepting any Earmarks and being against the Bridge to Nowhere from the beginning. They've even lied about if Sarah Palin had been to Iraq or not. Even the AP is calling them out on this bullshit!

I mean, even today, as the stock market lost more shares than it has since 9/11, McCain is the one STILL telling the American people that "the fundamentals are strong!"

That's who you think is going to win this election?! Sorry, but I've seen the war-hero candidate who married a rich woman, changed his mind every other day, and constantly appeared out of touch to the American people before. He didn't win four years ago and he's not going to win this time.

(PS...Feel free to register and actually sign your name to a comment below...or just go back to posting on your MySpace blog, which gets SOOOOOOOOOOOO many comments, and act like I don't know exactly who you are.)


Jason Arnett said...

Way to go , Travis! If one is going to be "Anonymous", one should use robot voices and post videos against Scientology. Otherwise, stepping up to stand behind your words is what we should all be doing.

There's a kind of bravery in 'being out of range' by posting anonymously, but it's braver by far to put your name to what you say.

Anonymous, stand up for what you believe. This is America, after all, and free speech is a fundamental right guaranteed us by the Constitution as Americans.

laura said...

Thanks Travis! This did cheer me up this morning!

ObamaRad.com said...

right on man!

now I wish I knew who this anonymous was... we had a guy like that in Athens who used to fuck with me on blogs anonymously. calling me a bigot for believing in the separation of church and state... you know, the classics.

ObamaRad.com said...

oh oops i am logged in with the ObamaRad.com account... this is Ryan Kindercore if you hadn't figured that out.

Travis said...

Damn, I thought it was Obama himself! :)

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I figured with less than 50 days remaining in this election season, we all needed a nice kick in the pants as a reminder to get tough and not allow the other side to dictate the tone.

Democrats are viewed as spineless bastards already. The last thing we need to worry about, this late in the game especially, is the Republican's feelings.

The sad thing is, I know who this "anonymous" is, and had he just signed his name EITHER TIME he posted, I would have handled this much different. As it stands now, he's pretty much on my shitlist. I've met him face to face numerous times, and he's always been nice...why he chose to come here, with this cocky tone, all while hiding behind the curtain of the internet, is beyond me.

Bethany Sew-And-Sew said...

I enjoyed this---it's easy to get discouraged and think you're the only one who feels like you do. I liked your sarcastic commentary on hating homosexuals, except the one nice one you know...

Cynical Dirt Doll said...

Love it! Reading this post was like a shot in the arm.. I just wish that our talking heads would come out and say shit as bluntly as you just did. That remains my problem with the Democrats.. STOP PUSSYFOOTING AROUND!